Project Background
The soccer market was experiencing rapid growth, but the impact of the COVID-19 has slowed its expansion. With the pandemic showing signs of recovery, soccer clubs are being perceived as attractive investment assets from many companies and funds, including Middle East sovereign wealth funds. Manchester United, with the highest level of brand value and performance, is expected to improve its future sales and profitability. Given this, we believe that the club is currently undervalued and are proposing its acquisition through this pitch deck.
- Part 1. Investment Highlight
- Part 2. Industry Overview: Football industry competition by regional league in Europe
- Part 3. Target Company Overview: Revenue & Expense forecasts
- Part 4. Transaction Overview: MBK Partners & QIA Consortium
- Part 5. Valuation Overview: Football field chart, DCF
Project Candidate

Park, Min Je
Finance Project Member
FCB Finance Institute
Concentration Area: M&A Advisory

Jung, Young Han
Finance Project Member
FCB Finance Institute
Concentration Area: M&A Advisory
Finance Project Portfolio
Part 1. Executive Summary

Part 2. Investment Highlight

Part 3. Deal Overview: MBK Partners & QIA Consortium

Part 4. Industry Overview: Soccer competition structure by regional league in Europe

Part 5. Target Company Overview: Revenue & Expense forecasts

Part 6. Valuation Overview: Football field chart, DCF

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