FCB 금융학회

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Manchester United M&A Pitch Book

Project Background

The soccer market was experiencing rapid growth, but the impact of the COVID-19 has slowed its expansion. With the pandemic showing signs of recovery, soccer clubs are being perceived as attractive investment assets from many companies and funds, including Middle East sovereign wealth funds. Manchester United, with the highest level of brand value and performance, is expected to improve its future sales and profitability. Given this, we believe that the club is currently undervalued and are proposing its acquisition through this pitch deck.

  • Part 1. Investment Highlight
  • Part 2. Industry Overview: Football industry competition by regional league in Europe
  • Part 3. Target Company Overview: Revenue & Expense forecasts
  • Part 4. Transaction Overview: MBK Partners & QIA Consortium
  • Part 5. Valuation Overview: Football field chart, DCF

Project Candidate

Park, Min Je

Finance Project Member
FCB Finance Institute

Concentration Area: M&A Advisory

Jung, Young Han

Finance Project Member
FCB Finance Institute

Concentration Area: M&A Advisory

Finance Project Portfolio

Part 1. Executive Summary

Part 2. Investment Highlight

Part 3. Deal Overview: MBK Partners & QIA Consortium

Part 4. Industry Overview: Soccer competition structure by regional league in Europe

Part 5. Target Company Overview: Revenue & Expense forecasts

Part 6. Valuation Overview: Football field chart, DCF

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금융권 IB(M&A) 부서의 역할 및 인재상 학습ㅣIB(M&A) 입사 지원서 키워드 & 면접 가이드ㅣIB(M&A) 포트폴리오의 중요성

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IB 심화 프로젝트

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FCB 금융권 커뮤니티

금융권 신입 및 인턴 입사 시 필요한 활동 숙지ㅣ금융권 신입 입사지원서 키워드 & 면접가이드ㅣ금융권 데일리 과제 실습의 중요성


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사업자번호: 107-19-79173 · 주소: 서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 20 · 통신판매업: 제2015-서울영등포-1572호 · 대표: 이혁재 · 개인정보관리자: 노정균 · 고객문의: info@fcbfi.org · 이용약관 · 개인정보취급방침 COPYRIGHT(C)2023 FCBTS INSTITUTE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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