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[금융권 채용] 레피니티브(전 톰슨로이터) Associate Content Analyst 채용공고 ~ASAP

[근무회사 및 모집부문]
근무회사미국 본사의 글로벌 금융 정보 기업 R

사업분야금융 및 시장기업 솔루션미디어법무의료 및 과학 / 세무 및 회계
* Position: Associate Content Analyst
입사예정: 2022년 3







전 세계에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 글로벌 금융정보회사로써 뉴스주식파생채권외환재무리서치원자재에너지선박운송글로벌 지수 등 다양한 금융 정보를 2,000여 정보 생성자들로부터 취합분석결합가공하여 전 세계 금융인에게 제공하고 있습니다.









Title: Associate Content Analyst
– Collect data from market sources and add them into bond database (EJV) as per Refinitiv global procedure in an accurate, timely and complete manner

– Call local market sources to confirm or collect bond market information

– Monitor fixed income market data and liaise with various content/technical groups to resolve issues

– Support team to plan and fulfill data enhancement projects and assist required data projects/testing

– Conduct research on market conventions

– Support communication between Korean vendors (KOSCOM, bond pricing companies, etc) and Refinitiv project/development team

– Support team to resolve queries from customers by managing the queue







– Bachelor
s degree (Financial market related degree is a plus e.g. Finance, Economics, Management, Accounting)

– Prior work experience in the finance, management, accounting, economics or 1-2 years of work experience is a plus

– Good knowledge/experience in fixed income market is a plus

– Fluency in English/Native Korean

– Proven attention to detail

– Good knowledge of Excel







계약기간파견계약직입사일 ~ 22.06.30 (육아휴직 대체)
근무지서울특별시 종로구 세종대로 149 (재택근무 병행)
– 근무시간: 09:00 ~ 18:00 ( 5일 근무)
급여회사 내규에 따름
– 기본 복리후생: 4대보험연차경조휴가생일선물 등







이메일 지원summer.jung@manpower.co.kr
이메일 제목: Content Analyst_지원자 성명 000
제출서류영문 resume (MS Word 양식)
담당자정유선, 02-2051-6676

* ASAP 마감


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