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[자산운용 채용] Amiral Gestion Investment Analyst Internship 채용 ~0417

Amiral Gestion is an asset management company based in Paris, Madrid, and Singapore. It manages more than $4bn of its clients’ assets with a fundamental value investment approach in global equities.

You are a value investing enthusiast, you have read “The Warren Buffett Way” and are looking for a way to enter the asset management industry – then we should talk. We are looking for a Financial Analyst Intern for our Singapore office.

We are a partnership of highly motivated individuals, with limited hierarchy, and we cultivate a culture of meritocracy and low ego leadership. We believe this Team Working spirit has been a key ingredient for our historical track record (Sextant PEA +16% CAGR since 2002 post fees). Our secret ambition is to build one of the greatest teams of investors and hope you will join us on this journey.

We offer 6 months internship program based in Seoul or Singapore starting in June or July 2022. This program will enable you to discover our business and your own abilities for investing. We are recruiting on a rolling-basis throughout the year.



Your responsibilities
You will be asked to assess the attractiveness of potential investment targets by analyzing their business model, strategy, competitive environment in addition to a thorough analysis of their financial accounts and company valuation. Your insights will help us make long-term investment decisions.



Desired candidate profile
· Inquisitive and independent mindset and attention to detail are of the utmost importance.
· Strong knowledge of accounting, financial analysis, and company valuation.
· Capacity to quickly analyze and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
· Good communication and time management skills.
· It is necessary that the candidate is a native speaker in Korean and has fluent or advanced proficiency in English.
· Longer-term commitment are highly preferred.



You will be working closely with a manager based in Paris to build a portfolio of investment ideas to initiate and buy. The primary coverage will be the Korean market, but there will be opportunities to work on other global names depending on preference and abilities.

The intern will start working in Korea primarily through Zoom calls and emails. The manager will be in Korea for the summer, at which time the intern can work closely together.

The goal is to foster a long-term relationship that can extend beyond the internship.



Instructions for Application: Anticipated start date between June and July 2022. Application deadline 22/04/17.
Please send your resume along with one page document answering the questions below:
1. Your availability: Full-time or Part-time and Starting: YYYY-MM-DD / Ending: YYYY-MM-DD.
2. Please list all accounting courses and training you have completed (E.g., Financial accounting 101, CFA lvl 1, self-studying Valuation by McKinsey, etc.), NO DESCRIPTION NEEDED.
3. Why are you interested in investing and business?
4. Who is your investment role model and why (please illustrate)?
5. What is a good investment?



Please limit your answers to one page and submit the application in one combined PDF file to rk@amiralgestion.com







1. [기본] 어떤 국가의 대학교에 재학 및 졸업 하셨나요?

Question 1 of 17

2. [기본] 재학 및 졸업하신 학교의 명칭을 작성해주세요!

Question 2 of 17

3. [기본] 본인의 전공을 선택해주세요!

Question 3 of 17

4. [기본] 현재 자신의 나이를 알려주세요!

Question 4 of 17

5. [기본] 어떤 금융권 자격증을 취득하셨나요?

Question 5 of 17

6. [기본] 현재 목표하시는 직무와 관련된 인턴경험이 있으신가요?

Question 6 of 17

7. [기본] 본인의 영어 공인성적 및 수준을 알려주세요!

Question 7 of 17

8. [회계] 회계 재무제표들 중 실적을 확인할 수 있는 재무제표는?

Question 8 of 17

9. [회계]손익계산서 상에서의 계정과목들의 순서대로 알맞은 것은?

Question 9 of 17

10. [회계] 재무제표 분석을 진행할 시, 3가지 재무제표의 순환구조로 알맞은 것은?

Question 10 of 17

11. [직무] 목표직무를 확고하게 결정하셨나요?

Question 11 of 17

12. [직무] 어떤 직무를 목표하고 계신가요?

Question 12 of 17

13. [직무] 해당 직무에서 Daily 단위로 어떤 업무들을 진행하는지 구체적으로 알고 계시나요?

Question 13 of 17

14. [직무] 세일즈, 리서치, 기업금융 등...각 금융사들별로 동일한 직무 부서에 대한 조사는 어느 정도로 하고 있나요?

Question 14 of 17

15. [직무] 실무지식을 키우기 위해 어느 정도로 노력하고 계신가요?

Question 15 of 17

16. [마지막] 본 스펙점검TEST는 어떤 경로를 통해 참여하시게 되셨습니까?

Question 16 of 17

17. [직무] 따로 취업준비 컨텐츠 및 클래스를 학습하신 적이 있나요?

Question 17 of 17


지금 이 면접후기에 대해 취업준비자들과 소통하세요!

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사업자번호: 107-19-79173 · 주소: 서울시 영등포구 국제금융로 20 · 통신판매업: 제2015-서울영등포-1572호 · 대표: 이혁재 · 개인정보관리자: 노정균 · 고객문의: info@fcbfi.org · 이용약관 · 개인정보취급방침 COPYRIGHT(C)2023 FCBTS INSTITUTE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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