Student finished unit 8 months, 1 week ago
Student Jeff Taehyun finished the unit 채권지식 05. 채권 수익률의 종류(만기수익률, 이자수익률, 보유수익률) in course 실무지식DB-채권
Student finished unit 8 months, 1 week ago
Student Jeff Taehyun finished the unit 채권지식 04. 채권 유통시장 in course 실무지식DB-채권
Student finished unit 8 months, 1 week ago
Student Jeff Taehyun finished the unit 채권지식 03. 채권 발행시장 in course 실무지식DB-채권
Student finished unit 8 months, 1 week ago
Student Jeff Taehyun finished the unit 채권지식 01. 채권의 개념 및 분류 (일반채권, CB, EB, BW 등) in course 실무지식DB-채권
Student subscribed for course 실무지식DB-채권 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Student Jeff Taehyun subscribed for course 실무지식DB-채권
Student started course 실무지식DB-채권 1 year, 4 months ago
Student wj180314@sookmyung.ac.kr started the course 실무지식DB-채권
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